Matt Groening is known as the creator of hit animation series "The Simpsons" and "Futurama." While both these shows have made their home in pop culture and carved their way into our mass consciousness, the master of comedy will test the waters again, this time with a new animated feature called "Disenchantment."

Had enough with suburbs and sci-fi? How 'bout a fantasy setting?

According to an article by Variety, it was TV-streaming giant Netflix that commissioned 20 episodes for the new Animated Series. "Disenchantment" will be set in a fantasy-themed world called Dreamland, with the central character being Bean, a princess who also happens to be a Heavy Drinker.

She is accompanied by Elfo, an elf (you guessed it), and Luci, who Bean calls her "personal demon."

Not much else was revealed about the project however, but Groening gave us enough details to keep us on the edge of our seats. In the new comedy-slash-parody, how many hilarious ways will established fantasy conventions be subverted?

The princess character herself is intriguing, as being a "heavy-drinker" is not usually a trait attributed to princesses. Anyway, Groening states that the show will be "about life and death, love and sex, and how to keep laughing in a world full of suffering and idiots, despite what the elders and wizards and other jerks tell you."

Abbi Jacobson will be on-board for the voice acting.

Many may remember her from "Broad City," a comedy web series set in New York. Joining her is Nat Faxon, and American actor and screen writer who co-wrote "The Descendants;" and Eric Andre, a comedian who found his break by creating and hosting "The Eric Andre Show" on Adult Swim.

From the same animation studio that made 'The Simpsons'

Netflix ordered the series from the genius cartoonist, but we have been told that "Disenchanment" is not an entirely new work from Matt Groening and it has been in the works for quite some time now.

The animation will be done by Rough Draft Studios, which is unsurprising, considering that this is the same studio that produced Matt Groening's hits "The Simpsons" and "Futurama." Aside from this, the studio worked on other TV Series like "MAD TV," "Napoleon Dynamite," "Spy vs.

Spy," and "Star Wars: The Clone Wars."

Matt Groening started his career as a writer in 1977, when he was 23. He was first known for "The Simpsons," which depicted a family headed by the rather dysfunctional father, Homer Simpson. The animation struck comedy gold in the hearts of everyone, and it remains as one of the longest-running shows on American television.