Almost six years after the last episode of "Curb Your Enthusiasm" aired on HBO, the show finally announced a date for a brand new season - October 1, 2017. The show's creators are offering only a small amount details about the fate of David's personified and slightly removed portrayal of himself. Larry David was also the creator of the iconic television show "Seinfeld," the show about nothing that became something special to many.
Much ado about nothing
Nothing is harder to pull off than good comedy. This truth may well be a secret that Larry David is keeping close to his vest.
For the most part, the comedian paints himself as being nothing more than perhaps "pretty, pretty good." To be more precise, the comedian is a significant player in the crowded arena of comedic heavyweights.
In this upcoming revival of "Curb Your Enthusiasm," David throws his hat into the ring with Roseanne Barr. ABC is bringing back Roseanne to revive another iconic television program, this incarnation called "Roseanne Revival" may be on par with "Curb Your Enthusiasm's" talented, witty dialogue. However, on the other end of the spectrum is another revived iconic television show 'Full House,' which re-emerged on Netflix as "Fuller House." In any event, both television shows join David in an already crowded 2017-18 television season of half-hour comedies.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Season 9 got the go-ahead in June 2016. "Curb Your Enthusiasm" was an Emmy-winning series that began in 1999 as a special on HBO. The show clicked with audiences and HBO went forward with allowing David to develop his dry, quiet wit into a darker shade of Seinfeld.
David alleged, "In the immortal words of Julius Caesar, ‘I left, I did nothing, I returned.'"
Actually, David did do some things. He played Senator Bernie Sanders on 'Saturday Night Live' (SNL) several times. Fans, co-stars, and even Senator Sanders celebrate his portrayal of Sanders. It could be that one of SNL's best sketches occurred on February 6, 2016, in an ironic twist and satirical expression of the caustic 2016 presidential campaign.
In the sketch titled 'Bern Your Enthusiasm' David as Sanders refuses to shake the hand of a black woman because she coughed into her hand right before extending her hand to David's Bernie Sanders. In typical Larry David style, comedy ensues, leading to Sanders losing the presidency by five votes. Just like any episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm telling the joke does not do the comedic genius justice. The bit must be experienced visually.