The "Big Brother" episode that aired on Thursday, July 13 ended the way Head of Household Paul Abrahamian and his alliance had planned. Their strategy worked to get Cody Nickson out of the house.
It was interesting though because when the voting for eviction first began, it looked like Ramses was going to be evicted because the first three votes were for him. Even Christmas voted for Ramses from the hospital where she is recuperating from foot surgery. After the first three votes were cast, Ramses didn't get any more votes as viewers held their breath.
Alex ended up with no votes, and Cody Nickson received the remainder of the seven votes.
Cody knew he was going to be evicted and would be leaving his girlfriend, Jessica Graf behind. So he went around to some people to let them know that Jessica was not part of some of his dirty work. He did that so others wouldn't attack her after his exit. Jessica also went to some in the house to get in their good graces so she will have someone looking out for her after Cody's departure.
Cody's exit
After Julie Chen told Cody to gather his things and say goodbye, Cody lifted up his girlfriend, whispered something in her ear and left. He didn't say goodbye or anything to the other houseguests.
On the outside of the house, Cody explained what his strategy has been inside the house.
He complained about the Den of Temptation. He smiled with approval when Julie explained to him that he will have a chance to go back into the house during the Battle Back event when four people who have been evicted compete for re-entry. That includes Cameron who was evicted on the first night, Jullian who was evicted second, Cody and the next person who will be evicted.
Megan left on her own, so she will not be allowed to return. The Battle Back competition will be aired in a special episode next Friday, July 21. If Cody returns, it will definitely shake things up in the house.
Spoiler alert
Following the live eviction on Thursday night and as the episode was going off the air, the houseguests were fighting to become the next Head of Household by winning an endurance competition.
According to the Big Brother app, Facebook and Twitter, the houseguests endured the wind, rain, slime, and other distractions over a period of an hour and a half. Josh was the first to fall. When it came to the last three remaining people, Jason made a deal for safety, and Alex was the last person standing thus becoming the new Head of Household.