The Saccone Joly Family first began to vlog their adventures in life about five years ago. These blogs originally consisted of Anna and Johnathan. However, years later they have brought three wonderful children into the world. Emelia, Eduardo, and Alessia are a source of constant entertainment for viewers and make for some hilarious side-splitting moments.
The Saccone Joly family welcome fans into their hectic lives
The Youtube channel run by parents Anna and Johnathan is a source of enjoyment for many. Their fans have witnessed everything from the birth of first child Emelia to her first day of school.
This level of continuity solidifies the fan base as in some ways they feel like members of the family. The Saccone Joly's also introduce fans to friends and family showing the interaction their kids have with people outside of their immediate family.
The family are currently in the middle of moving into a new house and have a subsequent video titled "VISITING THE NEW HOUSE! (the kids set up the bed)," which was released in the last twenty-four hours. The openness they share continues to draw fans in and little rascals Emelia and Eduardo are the stars of the show. The Saccone Jolys can be applauded for their lack of click-bait titles and honest video content.
Anna and Johnathan Saccone Joly share the ups and downs of parenthood
Parenting is no easy feat and the Saccone Joly couple Anna and Johnathan share this sentiment with the world. Through their videos, fans have seen the wonderful and hilarious moments that ensue as a parent. From being woken up early, to fulfilling wardrobe requests and playing with the kids the parents share every kind of scenario.
The relationship between the parents and their children is both beautiful and hilarious to watch as the kids grow older.
However, parenting can have some life-changing moments. Before the pair had success with the birth of their child Alessia they suffered a miscarriage. This occurred in May 2016 and while they initially took some time to themselves to process the grief, the couple released videos of the heart-wrenching doctors' visits, the day of the miscarriage and the memorial held for their lost baby.
This brave decision was made in an effort to share their story with others who have suffered the same loss as them. True to the Saccone Joly spirit, they invited their fans into this dark moment in their lives to offer community and support to stories of the same nature.
The Saccone Joly's continue to vlog on their Youtube channel "SACCONEJOLYs." They also have another channel set up for their kids called "Friendliest Friends". The Saccone Jolys make for some light and entertaining viewing and are perfect for a quiet evening.