"Wonder Woman" is a live-action movie directed by Patty Jenkin that centers on the life of an Amazon warrior. Three weeks since it opened in theaters, the film earned more than $620 million revenues globally. According to a report from Fortune, such number made "Wonder Woman" as the highest-grossing live-action film that was first directed by a woman.

As per record, the film was able to beat the 2008's "Mama Mia" which starred Meryl Streep. It was believed that the Movie only earned $609.8 million back then. The movie is also yet to surpass Disney's animated film, "Frozen," which earned more than one billion dollars worldwide.

To recall, it was co-directed by Jennifer Lee and Chris Buck. Nevertheless, "Wonder Woman" has no signs of slowing down its ticket sales.

Biggest US success

Amid the sales earned by "Wonder Woman" since it aired, movie analyst projected that the film might become the biggest success in the US film for DC comics following the success of the last two “Batman Dark Knight" sequels.

Gal Gadot, the Israeli actress who portrayed the lead role, also made a remarkable performance in the movie. She gained lots of praises among the viewers and even made her earned more followers on the social media.

Further, Ms. Jekin's film is also projected to generate more ticket sales on its upcoming fourth week. It is believed that the movie was able to feature spectacular actions in all scenes which made it perform on the big screen ridiculously well.

First female-led superhero

Amid the fact that "Wonder Woman" is a female-directed movie, it is also believed that it has been the first superhero film which is led by a female, Gal Gadot. Apparently, the film has received positive response and feedback from the movie critics.

Hence, it is safe to say that the Hollywood will no longer hesitate to hire a female director to any superhero movies.

Jekin, most probably, has proved herself well that even women are capable of creating huge numbers of ticket sales.

As "Wonder Woman" continues to hit the big screen, it still has the big chance to outperform other films in the blockbuster list. Meanwhile, fans are also looking forward as it might also overtake the sales which was made by the top-grossing movie like "Kung Fu Panda 2," and was also directed by a woman.

Gal Gadot, being the female led, is believed to have earned $300,000 for the film. Some critics revealed that it was way cheaper compared to the "Man of Steel" actor, Henry Cavill. However, entry-level actors and actresses are said to be paid with an initial rate.