Actress Demi Moore appeared on "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon" on Monday night. During her interview, she shared that her two front teeth fell out when she was suffering from stress. A photo of the 54-year-old actress with the missing teeth was shown along with a Snapchat video of the dentist giving her new teeth. Since Moore shared that information on Monday night, people have been talking about her teeth falling out because most people didn't know that that was possible.

Explanation of missing teeth

The veteran actress explained to Fallon's live studio audience and viewers that she wished she could say her teeth fell out while she was skateboarding or something like that, but she admitted that they dropped out because of stress.

No one would have guessed she had lost her teeth due to stress. If Demi hadn't talked about it on national television and provided the photo and video clip, no one would have known about her missing teeth because today she has a beautiful smile with her false teeth. Moore joked that her three daughters liked seeing her with missing teeth because it made her look more human and vulnerable.

Since the actress' interview, people have been researching to get more information about teeth falling out because of stress. According to most dentists, ongoing stress can have a big impact on a person's health. A dentist did reveal that stress is not the reason that teeth suddenly fall out. Dr. Mark S. Wolff of the New York University College of Dentistry says that when a person is stressed, he might clench and grind his teeth, and that will loosen them because the bone is destroyed.

Dr. Wolff added that this can be prevented if a person sees a dentist on a regular basis. Therefore, there is no need for people to think that their teeth are going to suddenly fall out if they are worried or stressed about something.

New movie

It is interesting that Moore was on the late night talk show to promote her new movie, "Rough Night." However, there has been more buzz about her missing teeth than about the movie that is being released on Friday, June 16, 2017.

The upcoming movie is a dark comedy about five best friends from college who reunite after ten years for a bachelorette party in Miami. Because of their wild partying, they accidentally kill a male stripper. They bond after coming together to cover up the death. Along with Demi Moore, the film also stars Scarlett Johansson, Kate McKinnon, Jillian Bell, and Zoe Kravitz.