No, Chicken Little, the sky isn't falling. But Kim Kardashian's butt is. Untouched images of the "Keeping up with the Kardashians" star's backside showed cellulite and bulging.

This prompted a Twitter storm of fat-shaming but also fear from her alleged cosmetic surgery doc. The surgeon warned that Kardashian needs more weight loss and less plastic surgery. If Kimoji doesn't quit with the butt and breast implants, she's going to be one hot mess.

Kim Kardashian loses fans over cellulite

Kardashian-West is happy to share her famous derriere on Instagram, Snapchat, etc. But it's always covered, Spanx-ed or touched up with Photoshop. However leaked beach pictures of Kim did not have the benefit of an airbrush.

Her lumpy, dimpled bottom had folks wondering if the butt implant bags were leaking. Other photos showed cellulite on thighs and chest and caused similar concern over a breast implant fail. Khloe Kardashian has had trouble with ruptured implants, and Kim's had, even more, work done than her sister.

Piers Morgan criticized Kim's flawed rump and was himself criticized for fat-shaming.

Many fans unfollowed Kim in droves after declaring her sagging butt "disgusting." Others praised her for being unashamed to show cellulite.

Mrs. Kanye West admitted to having cellulite removed and was angry over the fat-shaming. But doctors say body-shaming is the lesser concern and fear that all this plastic surgery will come back to bite her in the butt.

Kardashian-West never had a butt implant?

That's what she said, but it's pretty hard to credit. The reality television star's rear end and boob job are so impossibly large next to a tiny waist. It's obesity on the bottom and top and anorexia in the middle. And that's the whole point of this type of plastic surgery.

It creates an exaggerated hourglass figure like the Gibson Girls, but like those iconic 1900s models, the method used is unsafe.

At the turn of the 20th century, the stomach tightening procedure was a corset. Now, fat taken from the tummy tuck is inserted into the buttocks. It's called a Brazilian butt lift, and Kim Kardashian denies ever having it done.

Kardashian's butt is 'stretched out like a balloon.'

The photos of Kim's cellulite got a reaction from one of her plastic surgeon. He wasn't having any of her claims not to have had work done on her butt. As a professional in the field, it was evident to him. The doc warned that the reality TV star was turning herself into a balloon.

After two pregnancies and massive weight gain (like 80 pounds), Kim's body stretched out. Each time, she lost weight, she claims by diet and exercise, but it could have been further plastic surgery.

The doctor says that the reason her body looks bumpy is that the implants are falling and skin is sagging like an over-inflated balloon that deflates. Instead of adding fat or silicone, the KUWTK star should concentrate on healthy weight loss. In fact, all the Kardashians should if they don't want to end up with health problems.