Earlier this month, it was confirmed that Millenium and Dark Horse Entertainment are in the early stages of developing a "Hellboy" reboot. The news comes after years of will-they/won't they on the part of director Guillermo del Toro and star Ron Perlman. However, it turns out that both aren't returning to reprise their roles as director and actor, respectively. In fact, "Stranger Things" star David Harbour, who was previously linked to the "Deadpool 2" production to play Cable, has been cast as the titular character in the "Hellboy" reboot.
The latest news to surface is that Perlman wishes nothing but the best for Harbour, who is set to play the role in the near future.
Ron Perlman comments on David Harbour's casting
Over the weekend, Ron Perlman was on hand at the Detroit’s Motor City Comic Con, where he spoke to Dread Central about the developments regarding the new "Hellboy" reboot. He had nothing but good words to say about David Harbour, who recently expressed his excitement for the upcoming sophomore season of "Stranger Things." Perlman shared, "David Harbour is a good dude.
I wish him nothing but the best when it comes to the retooling of HB."
Ron Perlman reflects on what could have been with 'Hellboy 3'
Many factors contributed to the discontinuation of the "Hellboy" franchise, including Guillermo del Toro's extremely busy schedule. The prolific director was at the time busy with "The Hobbit" and "Pacific Rim," which also has a sequel starring John Boyega and Scott Eastwood next year. In addition, there was a lack of funding for a third "Hellboy" film, which is why the project never came to fruition. Perlman explained, "The third one was meant to be epic and conclusive and a resolve for all these, almost, Greek oracle promises of the destiny of Hellboy.
It would’ve made for a really good movie, I think."
Bidders coming forward for the 'Hellboy' reboot
Now that the "Hellboy" reboot is in the early stages of development, a bidding war is now underway for the rights to the upcoming film franchise. According to Variety, some Chinese companies are already stepping forward to place their bids on the $13 million project for China alone. "Game of Thrones" director Neil Marshall is already on board to helm, while Andrew Cosby is the primary screenwriter for the project. Cosby recently let slip that it will be a "darker, more gruesome" version of the character. For now, there's no release date set for the upcoming "Hellboy" reboot. Stay tuned for updates as they become available.