HBO wants more Game of Thrones. While the network recently confirmed ordering four scripts for the potential spinoff, author and series creator George RR Martin revealed they have five scripts in the works.
Martin confirmed his involvement in the spinoffs in a post on his blog Monday. He revealed he had been in talks with HBO since August 2016, where he pitched two ideas.
"Ultimately HBO decided to go ahead with four separate developments, to be written by Max Borenstein, Jane Goldman, Brian Helgeland, and Carly Wray," Martin wrote. He added that when he left Los Angeles over the weekend to discuss with the writers, somehow they ended up with a fifth story.
Will all spinoffs become shows?
Apart from naming the writers involved in the spinoff scripts, neither George RR Martin nor HBO gave out details on what the stories will be about. What's certain so far is that the spinoffs won't be sequels to "Game of Thrones." In fact, some of the stories might not even take place in Westeros.
Martin, however, confirmed that despite the number of scripts being prepared, this doesn't necessarily mean there will be five new shows when "Game of Thrones" ends in 2018. The best-selling writer said that in TV development, some shows might not even move forward or get a greenlight. It's even possible all planned five spinoffs might not even become anything more than script ideas.
Writers are given time to develop stories
HBO's ambitious five-spinoff plan looks like a heavy pressure on the writers. The network, however, told the press it did not give any set deadlines. "We’ll take as much or as little time as the writers need and, as with all our development, we will evaluate what we have when the scripts are in," a network spokesperson told The Guardian.
Showrunners Dan Weiss and David Benioff are not involved in writing any of the spinoffs given that their focus is on ending "Game of Thrones" well. On July 16, Season 7 will run for seven episodes, while season 8 will only have the final six episodes tentatively slated for a mid-2018 airing.
Did finale leak online?
Meanwhile, "Game of Thrones" star Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, who plays Jamie Lannister in the series, said the show's finale is already online.
He also revealed he has accidentally spoiled the show in his interviews as well. But lucky for him, no one has noticed.
"You can find the ending of Game of Thrones on the internet," he told the Observer in an interview. "It's there. But you wouldn't know."