Fans of the hit series "Friends" were recently alerted to a viral image announcing the return of the series. On Facebook, people kept sharing the photo that indicated that the show, which starred Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, Matthew Perry and David Schwimmer would be on the air again, specifically in the fall of 2018.
Fans grew excited because the photo came from a post by someone named "David Schwimer." But not too many noticed the social media account was unverified and had one inconspicuous detail: the name of the actor was incorrectly spelled and missing an M.
'Friends' reunion rumors won't die
Incidentally, the image came out on the anniversary week of the airing of the final episode of "Friends" 13 years ago. Since the show bowed out of television in 2004, talks of a reunion have continued among fans.
Time and again, the actors and creators, Marta Kauffman and David Crane, said they will never do a reunion despite the clamor from fans. "A show has a lifespan I believe, it has a lifespan like anything else, and there’s no reason to continue doing it just because people miss the characters," Kauffman told Deadline in a June 2016 interview.
The "Friends" cast did reunite in early 2016, albeit briefly, to honor top TV sitcom director James Burrows.
NBC aired a special featuring five of the six actors, along with other sitcom stars.
Aniston, Cox, Kudrow, LeBlanc and Schimmer went up on stage to talk about their experience working with Burrows for the show, "Must See TV: A Tribute to James Burrows," which aired in February 2016. Perry participated via video, as he was working on a play in London at the time.
Around the same time, the female cast members also returned to their "Friends" set for a brief segment, which aired on "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" They portrayed their characters with the late night host, while still professing that a reunion will never happen.
'Friends' musical in New York
Meanwhile, the show has stood the test of time following its 1994 debut on NBC.
Millennials are catching up and discovering the series thanks to reruns, DVDs and access to Netflix. As "Friends" continue to appeal to fans, a musical inspired by the series is on its way to New York. The production is from Bob and Tobly McSmith and will run at the Triad Theatre this coming fall.
It's not clear if the stars will appear in the musical. The producers, however, have something in mind should they decide to participate. Tickets will be made available online in June.