A Teaser Trailer for the new season of TV sitcom “Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt” was released yesterday. The teaser trailer opens with Kimmy busy in therapy, with Tina is playing her drunk shrink the US. It looks like the new season will continue with a unique story and far better visuals. It gives glimpses at the main characters of a sitcom.

What’s new in ‘Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt?’

So far, we have seen dozens of series about teens, including “Gilmore Girls,” “Boy Meets The World,” and “Sabrina, the Teenage Witch.” Unlike these shows, “Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt” revolves around one main character.

In the first season, Kimmy (Ellie Kemper) was in 8th grade when she gets kidnapped by Reverend (Jon Hamm), and is forced to live with him for almost two decades. The Reverend held Kimmy and several other girls in a secret place and convinced them that doomsday is here.

Once the girls are rescued, they make an appearance on a morning show to discuss the incident. After this, Kimmy realizes that she should leave Indiana. So, the lady moves to New York City and starts a new life. During her stay in NY, she is asked to share the room with Titus (Titus Burgess). At the same time, Kimmy is looking for a job to meet her expenses.

Finally, she gets employed by a wealthy socialist, Jacqueline (Jane Krakowski), who asks her to accomplish the tough tasks in short time.

The second season opened with Kimmy being tired of Jacqueline.

She starts looking for a new job and is finally employed by a store owner. This is the season when Kimmy falls in love with a young guy, and Jacqueline travels back to her homeland. The season ended with Titus leaving to be a celebrity, and Lillian protesting the invasion of hipsters in her city. The third season will focus on additional incidents of Kimmy’s life.

The series returning to Netflix

The full-length teaser trailer glimpses at Titus’s Lemonade, which is when you wear a sweet dress like Beyonce and smash things with a baseball bat. “Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt” is returning to Netflix next month. Its previous two seasons are in the May lineup, but the third season is unconfirmed. Plus, Netflix promises that Robert Carlock, Tina Fey, Jon Hamm, and Fred Armisen will return to the website with their respective shows.

The theme song of the upcoming sitcom "Unbreakable" was written and produced by Jeff Richmond. It is rumored that the same song is included in the third installment, but the officials refuse to confirm anything.