It seems the early part of 2017 has been hit or miss for Scarlett Johansson. A month has passed since the premiere of her latest film, the Hollywood adaptation of Japanese manga/anime “Ghost in the Shell” with her in the lead starring role, and it would be safe to say that it’s a flop if not a complete bomb. The producers blamed negative press due to whitewashing in the part of Johansson playing the role of a presumed Japanese character despite having a “race-less” cyborg body.
As of now Johansson is busy filming her only other film for this year, “Rough Night”.
But she also has found time to interact with her fans, such as a certain Reddit user who has claimed that his grandmother – in her youth – was a dead ringer for the Actress.
72-year-old ‘twin’
It started when a Redditor with the username denverjoel posted a photo of his grandmother Geraldine. At present she is now 72 years old, but the old pic depicted her when she was still aged 22. His accompanying captioned pointed out a striking resemblance between the young Geraldine and the currently 32-year-old Scarlett Johansson. The Marvel Cinematic Universe star saw the post and readily agreed that denverjoel’s granny was her virtual doppelganger.
To “celebrate” her having found her long-lost “Twin”, Johansson posted a video message online for the grandma lookalike.
“This video is for Grandma Geraldine,” she said in the introduction. The actress went on to relate how she was swamped by both social media messages and email from other online denizens who have seen the Reddit user’s photo of his grandmother. When she finally got a look herself her reaction was summed up quite nicely in the video: “Holy crap!”
Drink and movie invitations
Scarlett Johansson went on to say how interested she was to meet Geraldine in person, especially after learning from other second-hand accounts that denverjoel’s granny, when the picture was taken back when she was 22, had been “drunk as a skunk”.
She then asked the grandma out for a drink, saying she was eager to see Geraldine’s “drunk-face”.
Afterwards, she capped off her message video by inviting her 72-year-old twin to watch the premiere of her film “Rough Night”, coming out on June 16 from Columbia Pictures, and signed off with, “I’ll see you at the bar.”
Johansson’s video greeting was shared on Reddit by denverjoel, who noted that his grandmother was dumbfounded by the star’s invitation, but will take her up on the offer. In his words, Geraldine can “get down”.