It almost reminds you of the time when Sexual Harassment of young Catholic boys was big news. If there was one case here there would be another and another. When will it end? Workplace sexual harassment seems a logical answer. How widespread is it? Where do you draw the line? What will be the penalty?

This morning CBS tells us that more charges of sexual abuse have fallen on Bill O'Reilly and Roger Ailes.

O'Reilly still has his well-paid FOX job. Roger Ailes had to leave as head of FOX but he took a $40 million severance bonanza with him. Today both men may not be home free.

The new charges

FOX’s Julie Roginsky has filed a lawsuit against Ailes for harassment. The suit also accuses FOX of covering up the matter. Wendy Walsh has been a guest on “The O’Reilly Factor” and has now accused the FOX prime time host of making unwanted advances. She says that others who claimed abuse by O'Reilly were silenced when they received millions in settlements. Walsh says her coming forward was motivated in part by the fact that she can speak freely.

O'Reilly said that he is subject to charges because of his prominence.

Nevertheless, his payment of more than $10 million to settle claims seems almost an admission. More damaging in some ways is Mercedes pulling ads from O'Reilly and Hyundai giving up plans for future advertising on his show.

Widening knowledge

Sexual harassment has been shown to lead to sexual assault. That makes it a more serious matter than many might think. The Guardian also notes that 75 percent of sexual harassment charges are unreported. Only half the cases that are reported are charged. Claims by men have crept up to about 15 percent today.

A larger scope

There is more and more attention to matters of harassment now and this can be attributed to social media. Scarcely any incident that takes place is exempt from being spread abroad, This results in a sense that things are worse than ever, but in reality, things are more circulated than ever. The more important result is attention and from attention good can arise