Are we alone in the universe? This is a question that has been plaguing scientists and philosophers for centuries. We understand our universe a lot better now thanks to modern technological advancements, which is why it isn’t unreasonable to believe that there might be life out there in the distant planets hovering around the billions of stars in our universe. UFO sightings have become a common phenomenon in the media for quite some time now, but the “Phoenix lights” incident remains one of the most controversial sightings in history. This film will explore the story of this incident using the lens of found-footage cinema.
Searching for alien life
“Phoenix Forgotten” explores the events of March 13th, 1997, when several residents of Phoenix, Arizona, witnessed a set of lights hovering in the night sky. This is one of the most widely witnessed UFO sightings in history, and turned many non-believers into firm believers due to the authenticity of the strange event. A lot of people demanded answers from the government after the sighting, but the issue has been pushed aside for two decades now.
The film is set within this context using three teenagers who are hell-bent on uncovering the truth behind the lights. The found-footage formula has been used to explore this unique story, and the premise claims that the clips recorded by the teenagers are being released on the 20-year anniversary of the occasion.
What to expect
The film is being produced by extremely reliable names like Ridley Scott, Wes Ball (“The Maze Runner”) and Mark Canton (“300”). Justin Barber will be directing the whole affair, and despite not having any directorial credits to his name, he has clocked in several hours working in the visual and art department of various films like “Medicine for Melancholy” and “Remigration."
The most anticipated element of this film remains the future of the found footage genre.
It felt like this style of film making had hit a wall in the recent past, especially with the failure of the “Blair Witch Project” remake. The trailer does look pretty straight-forward until its final few moments when we get to witness some strange physical phenomenon that could only be attributed to alien life. The success or failure of this film could be the deciding factor for the future of found footage films. “Phoenix Forgotten” is set to release on April 21, 2017 but here is the creepy trailer below until then.