The Marvel Cinematic Universe continues to expand, and for the first time, it is developing two new shows for the freeform Network. The studio currently has five series on Netflix based on its popular comic characters, including “Iron Fist,” “Daredevil,” “The Punisher,” “Luke Cage,” and “Jessica Jones.”
Yesterday, Freeform released the official trailers for the upcoming Marvel shows “Cloak & Dagger” and “New Warriors.” Both are slated to debut in 2018. Formerly known as ABC Family, Freeform is owned by Disney. The company is best known for its Marvel blockbusters, including “Iron Man,” and “The Avengers.”
‘Cloak & Dagger.'
Marvel's television series “Cloak & Dagger” will soon premiere on Freeform.
It is one of the most anticipated American TV shows. The series is being developed by Joe Pokaski, based on the Marvel Comics characters of the same name. Marvel Television and ABC Signature Studios have jointly financed the project, with Pokaski serving as showrunner. The cast includes Aubrey Joseph and Olivia Holt as Tyrone and Tandy, respectively.
The story is about two teenagers who acquire supernatural powers while forming a romantic relationship. But soon they discover that the magic only works when they’re together. “Cloak & Dagger” also features Gloria Reuben, Miles Mussenden, James Saito, J.D. Evermore, Carl Lundstedt, and Andrea Roth. Freeform ordered the series in April 2016, and development of the series began in February 2017.
Most of the scenes are being shot in New Orleans.
‘New Warriors’
Earlier this month, Freeform ordered “New Warriors,” a series based on the Marvel Comics title of the same name. The story revolves around a team of junior “Avengers.” Marvel claims that Squirrel Girl is the main character of the show. The studio has released its lineup of young heroes who will be a part of the project.
Doreen is a fangirl with supernatural powers. She is energetic and has full faith in God. She loves to inspire people with her tricks. Her pet squirrel, Tippy Toe, is always with Doreen wherever she goes.
Another prominent character in the series is Mister Immortal. He is the most interesting man on Earth with supernatural powers.
It is believed that he would never die. He is a handsome and attractive person. Although his powers seem unusual, he does not like to use them. “New Warriors” group is composed of young and energetic roommates with supernatural powers and extraordinary skills. One of the group members has no powers, but he’s an intelligent person. He has come from a wealthy family but keeps it as a secret because he’s afraid of losing his celebrity status.