Jon Bon Jovi did something in Pittsburgh that fans are not accustomed to seeing a lot of in the past 30-plus years: end a show early. Bon Jovi hit the stage on Wednesday night at the PPG Pittsburgh Paints Arena to an excited crowd of around 16,000 dedicated fans for their 2017 "This House Is Not For Sale" concert stop.
The 'THINFS' tour continues to sell out across the United States
Fans know that Jon is a perfectionist when it comes to performing so when he could not perform up to his standards he let his audience know. In more than 30-years, it is rare that music fans have ever seen Jon Bon Jovi unable to perform or cancel a show, so dedicated fans of the rocker knew something was up.
As the band began their show fans knew right away that frontman JBJ, 55, was just not up to par. Jon was feeling under the weather suffering from what most of us here in the United States have been dealing with for months now, that nasty winter cold/flu bug that has affected many.
After attempting to rally through what clearly was taking its toll on Jon, the singer apologized to the full house of fans stating that he was sorry and knew he was 'singing like s**t,' but had a terrible cold and sore throat.
Fans take to Twitter to wish JBJ well
During the band's hit song "Born To Be My Baby" Bon Jovi even brought one lucky fan on stage to help sing the song. Jon ended the show after thanking the fans once again and leaving the stage after "Living on a Prayer."
Fans seemed to be very understanding of singer's illness and need to call it an early night.
Many took to Twitter to wish Jon well and a speedy recovery, but not before stating how much they enjoyed the show. It has been an excruciating tour schedule thus far for Bon Jovi who kicked off their new "THINFS 2017" tour in February, performing pretty much non-stop nightly.
One Twitter fan posted "Jon Bon Jovi sick as a dog but fighting through it.
Great effort! This is why PGH loves this guy." This tweet was followed by another: "Hey Jon Bon Jovi, it's okay to be human. We got you, and we love you. Get well soon, sincerely your 20,000 backup singers.
Bon Jovi has a couple of days off to hopefully get back on his feet between the Pittsburgh show before they head to New York City on April 7th to play two back-to-back nights at Madison Square Garden.
Despite the unfortunate health issue, the entire 2017 tour has gone off without a hitch with sold out, or nearly sold out shows in every city. The show's rating appears to be unanimous with fans across the country, all stating that it was one of the legendary band's best tours yet and that all are looking forward to the next!
There is still time to see Bon Jovi live in 2017, head over to the band's official site for tour information.