"First Dates" debuts on NBC on Friday, April 7, 2017, at 8 p.m. The new show is based on the British series and its format. Ellen DeGeneres is the executive producer, and Drew Barrymore is the narrator. The two women teamed up for the reality show where people meet for the first time and go on blind dates at a restaurant and try to make a connection. The new show takes a look at various first dates happening throughout one night at the same restaurant in Chicago.

The people

Singles from various backgrounds and ages from all around the country go on a first date. At the end of each episode, viewers find out if the participants want to see each other again for a second date based on the success or failure of the first date.

The show involves many scenarios of what really happens on first dates. The couples discuss and find out what they like and don't like about different things. Some of the interactions are quite hilarious, and some of them will make you shake your head in surprise and shock.

The advertisement for the show indicates that the singles are real couples meeting for the first time.

Expect to see the good, the bad and the awkward. For example, in the first episode of the series a person has a flip phone. Others share stories that should not have been reserved for a first date.

The place

All the blind dates take place at Michael Kornick’s MK restaurant. The place was selected because of its popularity and because it shows up on almost every list of romantic restaurants in Chicago, Illinois. Singles on their first date and viewers will surely agree that the restaurant chosen is the ideal place because of the food, scenery, and atmosphere.

Different countries

Even though "First Dates" is based on the British show, other countries have the same series. So far, "First Dates" is televised in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, Canada and now in the United States.

NBC has ordered eight episodes of the dating reality show. Will you watch the show when it premieres on Friday, April 7?