You know that weight-loss is about eating a low-carb, high-protein diet. After all, celebrity diet experts agree that carbs are the enemy and protein is your friend. But a new obesity study disputes paleo and ketogenic diet on protein-forward logic. Are Dr. Oz, "The Doctors" Dr. Drew, and even TLC's "My 600-lb Life" Dr. Younan Nowzaradan wrong? Does protein actually cause metabolic syndrome and its dreaded big brother, Type 2 diabetes?
Paleo, ketogenic, Atkins diet get weight-loss wrong?
Over the years, different diets have been touted by celebrities and the most popular ones have high protein in common. The Atkins diet was the forerunner, followed by the Mediterranean, paleo and ketogenic diet. But a study in Spain found that the Mediterranean diet, voted best all-around for weight-loss, was failing people. More died from cardiovascular problems and cancer in the 8,000-participant group. Post-menopausal women showed higher incidence of heart failure and almost half showed weight gain. Another study of 34 participants linked high-protein diets to insulin resistance.
'My 600-lb Life' fails anti-obesity?
TLC's "My 600-lb Life" follows morbidly obese patients through gastric bypass surgery, and, hopefully, weight-loss. Bariatric surgery specialist Dr. Now puts participants on a super high-protein diet following surgery. Patients are disallowed most carbohydrates and even vegetables and made to eat 60 grams of protein or so, per day. The reality television shows' success rate argues that Dr. Now knows how to fix obesity. So, how can his advice be so contrary to study findings? Do protein requirements differ for non-overweight people? Do age, gender and activity level affect dietary needs?
Dr. Oz, 'The Doctors' dispense incorrect advice?
Most would agree that a lowfat, low-carb intake will reduce risk of insulin resistance (metabolic syndrome or pre-diabetes).
Ergo, eating fewer carbs and less saturated and transfats keeps heart problems and Type 2 diabetes at bay. But celebrity weight-loss gurus like Dr. Oz are pretty adamant on protein for health too. How can you juxtapose their wisdom with study findings? The answer may lie in protein type. Meat and dairy are higher in saturated fats and carcinogens. Soy can negatively affect hormones. But other plant-based protein is full of MUFAs (mono-unsaturated fatty acids) which boost metabolism and burn fat. A simple switch to vegan or vegetarian sources like legumes, nuts and seeds may find the weight-loss while maintaining insulin sensitivity.