"Justice League" actress Amber Heard has officially moved on from one multimillionaire to another. Following the finalization of her divorce with award-winning actor Johnny Depp, the 30-year old actress is now basking in the joy of a new relationship with Tesla boss, Elon Musk. In fact, the new Instagram official pair may be planning for a wedding soon. Both lovers took to Instagram to share a snapshot of their date, during which she planted a kiss on the business magnate's cheek. It was evidenced by her lipstick on Musk's face.
Having moo moo at Moo Moo Gold Coast with amberheard, @CreepyPuppet and @CowanFilms https://t.co/SUM2RYYN7O
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) April 23, 2017
Amber Heard ready to make Elon Musk her husband?
After a year of marriage to "Pirates of the Caribbean" star Johnny Depp, the "Justice League" actress filed for a divorce, which turned out messily, with allegations of domestic violence coming from her camp. Now that the dust seems to have settled on that issue, Heard is out and about again, dating Elon Musk, who has been married twice before. The question now is, is the new Instagram official pair planning for a wedding? A source close to Amber Heard and Elon Musk confirms this. According to Daily Mail, the actress' father admitted that Heard is looking to "settle down and have a family" with Musk.
He said that the new couple are "both very serious about each other. She would love to get married."
New couple already planning to build a family?
It may seem that things are going on the fast lane for the new Instagram official pair, as Heard's father said that it is their goal as a couple to start their own family. He said, "One of the things they want to do is settle down and have a family.
They are making plans for that." Heard is currently filming "Aquaman" in Australia, but that won't stop Musk from heading over to see her. In fact, the photos they posted on Instagram showed them together in Australia.
Elon Musk instrumental in Amber Heard's healing from messy divorce
It's no surprise that both Amber Heard and Elon Musk get along very well.
Both have gone through a divorce, with Musk separating from his wife, Talulah Riley, twice—once in 2012 and again in 2016. Celebrity Dirty Laundry reported that Musk even "offered her a safe space and comfort her" during her divorce. Now it seems that Heard is fitting well into the Musk family, as the pair were recently spotted going ziplining with Musk's two children in Australia. If the New Instagram official pair are planning for a wedding, they definitely have family on their minds, and it won't be long before we hear of an engagement. To keep up with the latest celebrity news, make sure to bookmark this page.