"This Is Us" aired its first episode since William's death on Tuesday, March 7, 2017. Family members prepared to honor him in traditional ways. However, plans changed after Beth and Randall found a letter under William's pillow. William, who died of cancer, in a previous episode had left instructions for his two young grandchildren to prepare his celebration the way they saw fit. Randall wanted to deliver a eulogy for his father, but the grandchildren said a eulogy would be sad. Randall suggests they call it a “toast” and the service would be called a "FUN-eral."
William's 'FUN-eral'
The children did a great job planning the FUN-eral that did not include the usual funeral activities.
Instead, it was a festive occasion with balloons and confetti. The children, Tess and Annie, decided to celebrate their grandfather's life by acting out his perfect day. The entire Pearson family gathered in the kitchen for breakfast that included William's favorite foods along with his pills. Instead of pills, candy was put in cups with family members' names on them.
After breakfast, the girls gave each person a hat because William loved wearing hats. Randall was given his father's favorite hat to wear as they all walked down the street like William used to do. Fans of the show completely lost it when Randall put on his deceased father's hat.
When Randall put on William's hat 😥#ThisIsUs pic.twitter.com/ggHIk7er2x
— Amie Ryan 💌 (@AisforAmie) March 8, 2017
After William's death
Randall learned a lot about his father after his death.
He received story after story about his father from people who knew him. One of William's friends from Chicago called Randall and shared a touching story. The mailman revealed that he knew William because they talked when William walked with him on his mail route.
William even said goodbye after his death. Beth felt especially sad because William didn't get to tell her goodbye.
After the FUN-eral, she picked up the mail and as she was thumbing through it, she saw a postcard from Memphis. She turned it over to see that it was for her from William. He told her goodbye and said she was the daughter he never had.
'This Is Us' finale
The season finale for "This Is Us" is airing on Tuesday, March 14 on NBC.
Cast members have warned viewers that the last episode of the season will be very sad. So, have your tissues ready to see what happened to cause Jack's death and how each member of the family deals with it.