As the final season of “bates motel” delves deeper into serial killer Norman Bates and his hallucinations of his dead mother Norma, viewers witness another side of the demented Norman. The latest side is the person who engages in a sexual encounter with another young male. Here is low-down on the latest episode of the series.
Case of mistaken identity
As the guilt over killing his mother grows deeper and his mind more fragmented, Norman Bates has been dressing up like his deceased mother. However, instead of just wearing her powder blue bathrobe around the house, Norman has taken his new identity into a local bar.
Donning a blonde wig and his mother’s higher pitch voice, Norman is now buying drinks in taverns and taking on Norma’s flirtatious personality.
Viewers did not know what a transformation Norman had taken until a scene where he calls the bartender the next morning. He asks the bartender if he remembers a blond woman named Norma and if she left the bar with a man the previous evening. When the bartender says “yes,” viewers are confused. He explains to the bartender that he is her son and will be picking up her car that was left in the parking lot. He retrieves the car later that day and the bartender asks if he is doing okay.
Norman in drag attracts male attention
For Norman, slipping into the persona of his mother is something that keeps her alive in his mind.
When the troubled guy visits the bar again as himself, he gets drunk and runs into the restroom. The sweat is pouring off him. As he splashes cold water on his face, a guy walks into the bar and says, “I thought that was you.” He tries to kiss Norman, who rejects him.
It is then that Norman remembers having sex with the man as Norma in the car behind the bar.
The young man thought Norman was just dressing in drag. Disgusted with himself, Norman runs out of the bathroom and out the door. Viewers wonder what else Norman has done as Norma.
What else is in store for Norman/Norma Bates? Stay tuned for the next episode of “Bates Motel.”