Australian singer and songwriter Sia lifted her wig on Wednesday. The 41-year-old singer of “Chandelier” showed her face to the public for the first time on March 22 at the Los Angeles airport while she was on her way to Dubai to perform on Saturday at the Dubai World Cup horse race.

15-hour flight

The long-haul flight for the United Arab Emirates city could be the reason why Sia – Sia Kate Isobelle Furler in real life – decided to ditch her wig that concealed her face temporarily.

She was photographed wearing a beige Kenzo sweatpants and cropped sweatshirt, minus the wig. Billboard tweeted on Thursday the photo of the award-winning musician who was headed for the Middle East.

It was not the first time that she gave the public a glimpse of her face. On Wednesday also, Sia posted on her Instagram page her appearance on “Sesame Street” that would air on March 25. She posed with four muppets of the TV show. She had a large striped ribbon on her half-black and half blonde hair and a clown’s nose that still left her face to retain some mystery. The post got more than 105,000 likes in two days.

Why does she cover her face with a wig?

In mid-February 2016, Sia took part in the “Carpool Karaoke” of James Corden. Besides singing “Chandelier,” “Diamonds” and “Titanium” during the 10-minute ride, she explained that she covers her face with a wig because her talent made her famous. But she found the public attention destabilizing since she is a recovering alcohol and drug addict, Mashable reported.

However, it is unknown if she would revert to using her wig when Sia performs on Saturday at the Dubai sports event, according to Billboard. Her going wigless made Sia a Twitter trending topic. A Twitter member who uses the handle @emilliehomasx played with her name and going wigless by tweeting “now u Sia …..

now u don’t” @cebrady said the singer showing her face is “the best thing to happen in 2017.”

Sia’s music career started in the mid-1990s as the singer of Crisp, an acid jazz band in Adelaide, Australia. She has seven albums, the latest of which is “This is Acting” released in 2016. The Australian singer has done six movies, two of which would be shown in 2017. These are “Charming” and “My Little Pony: The Movie” which are both animated musical films.