Well, Steve Harvey now has nothing on Brian Cullinan. Harvey once announced the wrong contestant as the winner of the Miss America pageant. It became a very famous mistake that spawned millions of funny memes, but it wasn’t very funny to those involved. It also took away a once-in-a-lifetime moment from the actual winner.
Cullinan has now outshone Harvey for the worst award show mistake to ever occur on live TV.
During the Oscar flub last Sunday night, Brian Cullinan wasn’t even making any announcements. He was just supposed to hand the proper envelope to Warren Beatty or Faye Dunaway so they could announce the winner of the Best Picture Academy Award. Instead, he handed Warren and Faye the wrong envelope, causing them to announce the incorrect winner.
Not your typical accountant
Brian Cullinan and the company he works for - PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PWC,) now has gained serious internet notoriety, but not the kind he would have hoped for. Cullinan attended many award shows and events where celebrities were present as part of his job for accountant firm PWC.
He was able to enjoy mingling with celebrities, taking selfies with the stars and posting them to his various social media accounts. No, he was not a typical accountant, and now people are blaming that as the reason for the massive mix-up at the Oscars.
Brian Cullinan won’t be officiating at any more award shows
As a result of the huge mess at the Oscars, Cullinan will no longer be allowed to work at any future red carpet events for PWC. The company has completely relieved him of all future award show assignments. This may seem harsh to some, but many others feel that he is lucky he didn’t lose his job. The fact remains that while it was a fun work assignment, it was still a work assignment.
Too comfortable among the celebrities
Based on reports, he did not behave as a professional while backstage, but rather more like a guest or star-struck fan. There are multiple pictures floating around social media and news outlets that show Cullinan on his phone. He apparently wasn’t behaving like an employee there to do a job, but rather more like a party goer. It appears that amidst all the goings-on backstage, and all the selfies, he picked up and handed Warren Beatty the wrong envelope. Brian Cullinan is probably quite lucky to still have his job after causing so much confusion, disappointment and embarrassment for himself, PWC and the Academy Awards.