The last week in Washington, D.C. has caused even more problems for Donald Trump and his administration. As the pressure continues to mount, comedian Bill Maher made sure to point it out during his latest broadcast.

Real Time on Trump

Over the last seven days, Donald Trump has continued to run into road blocks as he heads into his third month as commander in chief. From lashing out at members of his own party for refusing to back his health care bill, to deflecting from the growing scandal involving his administration and Russia, the former host of "The Apprentice" is staying in the headlines, but mostly for the wrong reasons.

As Trump and the right-wing media do their best to spin the current headlines from negative to a positive in their favor, others are holding their feet to the fire. As seen during the March 31 edition of "Real Time with Bill Maher" on HBO, host Bill Maher didn't hold back his thoughts.

Kicking off the 420th episode of his show with his routine monologue, Bill Maher immediately mocked and trolled Donald Trump. "Tomorrow is April Fools Day, a day when we fool people by telling an outrageous lie, or as Trump calls it, tweeting," Maher said to the laughter of the audience. "He can try to tweet his way out of this Russia story, but this sh*t ain't going away," he continued.

Maher then went on to cite the latest news involving former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn who has offered to flip on the White House in regards to his knowledge of the Russian scandal as long as he receives immunity in exchange. "This is the guy who led the chant at the convention 'lock her up' and who also said that anyone asking for immunity is probably guilty," Maher said of Flynn, before adding, "If u think Hillary is a bitch, try karma."

Bill Maher then went on to say that he respects Melania Trump more than anyone in the administration over her decision to live at Trump Tower instead of the White House, stating, "At least she says 'f**k this...I'm staying in New York.' The popular atheist comedian shifted his focus to Donald Trump attempting to roll-back climate change regulations and ban the use of the term with members of his administration.

"You can't even say 'climate change' anymore at the White House," he said, before asking, "What the f**k is it with Trump and coal miners? Do they have a video of him getting pissed on?" "When Obama was channeling money and funds to green energy companies, Republicans said he was picking winners. At least he was picking winners from the future," he said.

Moving forward

As the likes of Bill Maher poke fun at the trouble Donald Trump and the GOP are having in the White House, the source of the humor often comes from very serious issues. As the billionaire real estate mogul continues on as the leader of the free world, only time will tell if the issues facing the country become too serious to joke about.