After debuting in the fall TV season of 2015, NBC's "Superstore" has steadily gained a following and provided a fresh take on the office comedy genre. The success of the show comes as no surprise, as the series creator is Justin Spitzer, one of the handful of genuises behind "The Office." As a testament to how good the 22-minute comedy is, the series has already been renewed for a 22-episode third season.
"Superstore" brings back America Ferrera of the "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" and "Ugly Betty" fame to television, where she rightfully should be. The NBC comedy showcases the actress doing what she does best, alongside an ensemble cast composed of Ben Feldman, Lauren Ash, Colton Dunn, Mark McKinney, Nichole Bloom, and Nico Santos.
'Superstore' tackles issues of immigration
Last night's "Superstore" episode was directed by America Ferrera herself, who not only stars in the show, but also serves as producer for the series. Titled "Mateo's Last Day," the episode took on issues of illegal immigration, as Mateo was undocumented and required a social security card for his transfer to another Cloud 9 branch.
Ferrera spoke to Vulture about her experience directing that particular episode, which hit home for her, as she herself has immigrant parents. She said, "I am the daughter of two immigrants who worked several jobs to keep food on the table and the lights on...we still found joy in life, we still loved people...So pointing the lens towards the everyman and bringing value to that experience was really intriguing to me because it’s something we’ve moved further away from."
America Ferrera takes the directorial chair
The 32-year-old actress also talked about her experience as an episode helmer on "Superstore," admitting that it was more difficult than she thought it would be. Nonetheless, she felt it was a fulfilling experience, as acting requires a different kind of energy and skill.
"What I love about acting is being super present and generous and discovering something in the moment," the "Superstore" actress told Vulture. "That demands a focus and a presence that is contrary to what I love about directing, which is, I love to hold the space, and I love to watch what’s happening and see it from the outside."
So what's next for "Superstore" as it heads into its final five episodes of the season? Hopefully, the show can resolve Mateo and Jeff's shocking breakup, and hint at what's to come when Dina and Garrett finally admit that there's more to their relationship than just meaningless sex.
"Superstore" airs its last five episodes beginning April 6, before it takes a break and returns to NBC this fall.