Blasting News recently released the exciting news of a new Stephen King/J.J. Abrams/Hulu deal that is currently ongoing. A brand new series named "Castle Rock" is planned, which will incorporate several well known King characters and story lines into an Anthology Series of note. We even gave a sneak peek into the new "Castle Rock" TV show in the form of a teaser trailer and the man himself hinted at the series on Twitter.

For those King fans and Constant Readers, excited and impatient for more details, Entertainment Weekly has come up the news that Hulu has officially placed the order for 10 episodes of what is dubbed by the streaming service to be a psychological-horror series, firmly set in the great "Stephen King multiverse."

They further state that the show combines all the intimate character-weaving of King’s most-loved books and short stories on a “mythological scale.” According to Hulu, the episodes of the new show will weave an epic saga of darkness and light and the whole thing will happen within just a few square miles of woodland in Maine, i.e.

the fictional town of Castle Rock, so well known by King’s avid readers. The town has cropped up in several bestselling books by Stephen King, including, but not limited to, the clown horror “It” (currently in the works for a new movie too), the terrifying “Cujo” and that wonderful short story, made into a successful film, “Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption.”

A new mix of Stephen King stories and iconic characters to hit the small screen

While many of the characters and story lines have been seen and heard before, the “Castle Rock” series is said to be totally original, a thriller full of suspense and a one-of-a-kind reimagining of many of King’s works with “snippets” and characters taken from several of his most loved stories.

Production on “Castle Rock” to start soon

According to a report by Uproxx, production on “Castle Rock” will begin this year, but no set date has been mentioned. Executive producers on the new series will be Sam Shaw and Dustin Thomason, working together with J.J. Abrams, Liz Glotzer and Ben Stephenson. You can bet Stephen King will be putting in his own opinions as the show progresses. The last time that King, Abrams and Hulu got together on a TV show was with the 2016 series “11.22.63” starring James Franco.

No doubt Stephen King’s most avid fans will be partly excited, but also nervous – not all of King’s stories have successfully been turned into films or TV shows. However, some, like “The Green Mile” and “Shawshank Redemption” made for memorable and excellent films, so here's hoping!