rob stewart was a bright young filmmaker. Tragically, he won't be making films anymore after a devastating scuba accident resulted in the loss of his life this week. On Friday, he was found Dead by the U.S. Coast Guard, marking the end of a several day search that held out hope for finding the filmmaker alive. He was just 37-years-old.

Tragedy strikes

On Tuesday, Stewart took a deep scuba dive to take a look at the Queen of Nassau, a famous shipwreck. It was part of the filming for a sequel to "Sharkwater," a new documentary the filmmaker was working on.

He didn't return from his dive, sparking fears that he had gone missing, was lost, or even worse: that he had drowned and that he was dead.

The United States Coast Guard began rescue operations shortly after Stewart didn't return as expected. They asked for help from nearby boats, as did the film company the filmmaker was working with. On Friday, the Coast Guard recovered his dead body 220 feet underwater, having drowned, although the cause is not yet known. His family released a statement thanking fans and well-wishers and saying that the filmmaker was found "peacefully in the ocean."

Stewart's legacy

The original "Sharkwater" was the best contribution Stewart gave to society. The 2006 documentary was greatly acclaimed and won awards throughout the world after debuting at the Toronto International Film Festival.

The movie was part of the movement to get shark finning banned around the world, a movement that was successful due in large part to "Sharkwater."

The open-water ocean fanatic also made a film called "Revolution," which took a microscope to at-risk ecosystems, focusing on conservation efforts and what the next generation of people can do to turn the tide in the fight against global climate change.

He earned a degree in biology and was a freelance journalist for several years, writing about the need to protect the Environment. Rob Stewart's legacy will reflect both a love of film and a passion for trying to save the planet.