Maksim Chmerkovskiy shared the first photo of baby Shai Aleksander on Valentine’s Day. The Instagram post has a sweet message along with it. However, the baby's face is not seen in the photo. Viewers got the chance to see all of Shai when weekend anchor Paul Farris of "Good Morning America" visited the baby's nursery on Friday, February 17. The baby was born on January 4. Maks and Peta Murgatroyd wanted to keep their baby private at first. The parents wanted him all to themselves for a while before sharing him with the public.
Valentine's Day post
Maksim Chmerkovskiy, a "Dancing with the Stars" champion, shared that their baby is named Shai because in Hebrew it means "gift." The baby's mother, Peta Murgatroyd is also a "Dancing with the Stars" champion. Both of them shared that they don't want Shai to become a dancer.
Future for the dancing stars
The 30-year-old new mother and the 37-year-old father didn't say when or if they would return to ABC's popular dance competition show. They consider the people on the show their family. Maks' younger brother is still on the show. In fact, Val Chmerkovskiy and Laurie Hernandez won the mirrorball trophy last season.
Peta and Maks got engaged in December 2015, and they revealed they were pregnant last May.
They decided not to get married until after the baby was born so he could be in their July wedding. He will be seven months old by then. The couple is already planning the wedding that will take place over three days with at least 300 guests. It is sure to be a beautiful wedding.
Besides taking care of Shai and planning a summer wedding, Murgatroyd is busy with a lifestyle blog, "All Things Fam & Glam." She started her blog to share information with other new mothers who might be experiencing some of the same things that she is experiencing.
Maks and Peta are very excited about their son and about becoming new parents at this time in their lives. Maks shared that he wanted children when he was 21, but he is glad that he waited until now.