"Fifty Shades Darker" is being released in theaters on February 10 in time for Valentine's Day. The two stars, Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan, appeared on two different late night talk shows to promote the long awaited sequel to "Fifty Shades of Grey."
Dakota appeared on "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon" in New York City wearing a red Gucci dress. Jamie appeared on "Jimmy Kimmel Live" in Los Angeles. In other words, they covered both coasts. That was a very smart move for them to appear on two different shows. However, viewers would have loved it if they had appeared on different nights so fans could have watched both of them instead of having to choose.
After Johnson was interviewed by Fallon, they presented a skit where Jimmy played Christian Grey and Johnson acted like her character, Anastasia Steele.
Dornan's new look
Dornan looks much different than he does in the film. In fact, he looks almost unrecognizable with his new buzz hair cut, a mustache and a full beard. He and Kimmel were photographed together, and they looked similar except Kimmel has more hair. Dornan spoke to Kimmel about his friendship with Don Rickles and about his first experiences in Hollywood.
Christian Grey in the house. #FiftyShadesDarker #JamieDornan pic.twitter.com/YeOBjyZ0Cp
— Jimmy Kimmel Live (@JimmyKimmelLive) February 1, 2017
Which talk show did you watch? Did you see Dakota Johnson with Jimmy Fallon or Jamie Dornan with Jimmy Kimmel?
'Fifty Shades Darker'
The 115-minute film is expected to make more money than the 2015 movie which made over $500 million in the box office. The second installment of the trilogy picks up where the first movie left off. Christian Grey, the wealthy businessman, tries to win back Anastasia Steele, the college graduate. She demands a new arrangement before she will give him another chance.
He agrees to what she proposes, but will he keep his promise? The new movie is advertised to be darker than the first one. That's why it is called "Fifty Shades Darker."
Like the first film, "Fifty Shades Darker" has an R rating for obvious reasons. The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) rated it based on the strong erotic sexual content, graphic nudity, and language.
Did you see "Fifty Shades of Grey"? Do you plan to see "Fifty Shades Darker"?