In an emotional interview with BBC news, a very emotional Angelina Jolie almost broke down while speaking about her divorce with Brad Pitt. The two met on the sets of "Mr And Mrs Smith" back in 2005 and Pitt divorced his former wife and Friends actress Jennifer Aniston to join along with Jolie.
Angelina and Brad Pitt
Angelina became pregnant with Pitt's child in 2006, and the 12-year long relationship includes 6 children of whom 3 are adopted. She married Brad on August 23, 2014, and they divorced last September. This separation was followed by an ugly custody battle where Pitt filed for divorce and sought the custody of all their children.
A divorce settlement had reached this January, and the custody documents were sealed.
The BBC interview
In the BBC interview, the actress said that though say wouldn't be able to discuss much about the divorce and the ugly custody battle, it was a difficult time and he still considers Brad and the children a family. She said that she isn't the only person who has faced this and it happens with many others, though it certainly was a difficult time.
Explaining that her focus was on her children as of now, Jolie said that she believes whatever happened would make her and her children stronger and help bond them better with each other.
When questioned about her plans for future, Angelina replied that she plans to Travel The World along with her 6 children and hoping they would be happy with it.
She said she wants to do really interesting things while travelling and imagines herself in different parts of the world already.
Her focus throughout the conversation was the well-being of her children. She opened up about plans to travel the world along with her children and do interesting things.
All this discussion happened during Jolie's visit to Cambodia which is also the home of one of her adopted sons.
Her children accompanied the "Tomb Raider" actress for the interview. Other than her career on the screen, she has been involved in humanitarian activities, especially towards sexual violence against women. Jolie has also been an ambassador for UNICEF for the cause of child education.