Dee Wallace is an Actress who is best known for her role in the hit 1982 movie “E.T” and the film version of Steve King’s classic novel, “Cujo.” Today, Dee Wallace is continuing her acting career having starred in several film and television projects including “My Name Is Earl,” “Grey’s Anatomy,” “Criminal Minds,” “Law & Order,” and “The Office.” Overall, Dee has appeared in over two-hundred commercials, one-hundred-and-fifty movies, and five television series as well as appearing as a guest of “The Today Show’ and “Oprah”.
Dee is now starring in “Just Add Magic” on Amazon Prime. Moreover, she is also a multi-published author and the creator of a little bear character named “BuppaLaPaloo” who serves a means to spread love and is enjoyable for both children and adults. Dee is also a teacher and dancer who tends to focus on all-things-positive. Dee was happy to discuss her career and recent projects.
Blasting News (BN): What prompted you to seek out a career in acting?
Dee Wallace (DW): I really think it's a gene you’re born with. I was singing and dancing and doing skits the second I popped out. My mother was an incredible local actress in Kansas City, and I learned a lot from watching her.
I wanted to affect people like she did from a very early age.
BN: You have been in “E.T.” and “Cujo” and other famous films and top-rate TV shows. How did you land these roles? Have you had a favorite character to date?
DW: Steven Spielberg auditioned me for “Used Cars” but saw the "mom" he wanted for “E.T.” and saved me for that one. Lucky me! “Cujo” was offered to me by my beloved producer Dan Blatt, whom I had done “The Howling” with. I am very proud of both movies but I think my work in “Cujo” asked me to go as far as I could honestly and truthfully. I am very proud of that performance.
BN: Do you have any especially interesting “behind the scenes” stories that you’d like to share?
DW: In a nutshell, the big close up where I say "I hate Mexico" was added at the last minute in “E.T.” I wasn't supposed to be able to break the back window in “Cujo” and Chris and I were engaged when we did “The Howling” but they didn't know it and he booked it on his own.
BN: You’re also a dancer. What kind of dance or dances do you do?
DW: Everything but tap. Broadway/Interpretive are my favorites.
BN: You wrote a children’s book called “BuppaLaPaloo” that comes with a stuffed bear toy. What was the publishing and toy-production process like for you? What inspired the character?
DW: I am the designer of the toy bear, Buppalapaloo, whose purpose is to teach children to love themselves. I am a clairaudient channel, and the focus of my work is self-love, which most of us are seriously lacking in. Our brains are fairly complete in this area by age five, so I created a toy bear to help us encourage our children to really love and empower themselves.
BN: Where do you hope to be in your career about five years from now?
DW: I think I want to be doing the same thing I am now, creating in every area of my life! I want to act until I drop, help people in their lives through my healing work, and spend time with my grandkids, which I better have by then!
BN: Do you have upcoming events—or advice for fledgling performers—that you want to mention?
DW: Advice? Be yourself! They are looking for you to be you. My life is full of upcoming events and releases. Check out my website to learn more.