“Legends of tomorrow” will reach beyond the veil to pull a certain Justice Society of America hero in the era of counterculture. Commander Steel (Matthew MacCaull) is MIA no more. Despite disappearing on a mission in 1955, Henry Haywood will stand side by side with Rip Hunter (Arthur Darvill) in the 60s.
‘Moonshot’ photos go behind the scenes
Titled “Moonshot,” episode 14 will deposit the Legends in 1966, as per set dressing announcing the sale of a new Cobra (just $3,999 if you could swing it).
The Legends’ cast was spotted filming at Vancouver’s Oceanic Plaza earlier this month, once en masse and once with just Hunter and Nate’s (Nick Zano) grandfather.
Is Steel still alive as America shoots for the stars, or has the Waverider plucked him from the past for a specific purpose? The superhero isn’t suited up in new photos from YVR Shoots, but instead has his eyes trained on the sky as he walks alongside the lone Time Master. Is he startled by his surroundings, over a decade removed from his own life?
The episode title refers to NASA’s mission to put a man on the moon, a phrase familiar to most as it recently found new purchase in popular vernacular.
Although Neil Armstrong’s famous “One small step for man” proclamation didn’t crackle through the airwaves until 1969, America started heading for its celestial neighbor in, you guessed it, 1966. Considering the Legion of Doom’s meddlesome habits, episode 14 could see the Legends responding to any number of aberrations dealing with one of the Cold War’s greatest intellectual sprints.
Next time on ‘Legends of Tomorrow’
DC’s time traveling heroes will return tonight with season 2’s midseason premiere. Viewers caught a glimpse of the missing Rip Hunter in December’s “The Chicago Way,” but Sara (Caity Lotz) and co. won’t stumble upon their addled leader until “Raiders of the Lost Art.”
“When Damien Darhk (guest star Neal McDonough) and Malcolm Merlyn (guest star John Barrowman) try to capture Rip Hunter in 1967, they create an aberration big enough to draw the attention of the Legends,” The CW teased.
“However, when the team arrives they discover that Rip has no memories of his past due to “time drift” and is just a graduate film student.”
“Legends of Tomorrow” now airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET on The CW following "The Flash."