What happens when a high school student invites 32-year-old Khloe Kardashian to his senior prom? The invitation came though a video posted on Twitter on Saturday, January 7. Khloe did not ignore the video. She responded immediately.
The prom invitation
David LeCours from Agawam, Massachusetts was not sly. He came right out and asked the "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" star to accompany him to his senior prom on April 28, 2017.
His video has racked up over 2,700 likes since he posted it on Saturday. In the video that was taken in his house, David can be seen dressed in a black jacket from Khloe's brother-in-law Kanye West's Yeezy fashion line. The high school student tells the reality star that they have a lot in common. He cited his passions for beauty products like Khloe, as well as fitness and taking selfies. LeCours also gave Khloe a few reasons why he thinks they would have a great time at his prom. He had done his homework and knew that Khloe had never been to a prom before.
Khloe's response
Just hours after Khloe received David's invitation, she responded.
She did not give a positive or negative answer. She appeared to be interested, and she told David in a tweet that she would know in a few weeks if she could attend. She said David made her day by inviting her, and she knows they would have the best time. She said she hoped she could go. Then, she asked a question that sounds strange for a Kardashian to ask. She asked David what they should wear. David responded by saying, "Girl we could wear whatever we want, we just have to slay, which I know we can definitely do."
Since David has asked Khloe so far in advance, perhaps she will be able to arrange her schedule to go. She sounds like that is something she wouldn't mind doing. Do you think Khloe will go with David to his senior prom this Spring?