On Reddit AMA, Joe Jonas spilled on sex, drugs, penis size, what came up between him and Charlotte McKinney, his bromance man crushes (plural) and lost virginity. His tell-all revealed dirty little secrets behind the Jonas Brothers squeaky clean image. Readers gobbled up the juicy tidbits. Well, Reddit doesn't call it AMA (ask me anything) for nothing! 

On lost virginity and condoms

Naturally the questions of sexual encounters--yea, nay, when, where, how, how many--came up.

Jonas neatly fielded them by saying basically um, duh, Google it. Seriously, "Joe Jonas first sex" is a search term that reveals that he has in fact misplaced his virginity and with a young lady named Ashley Greene. And after the Disney boy band member vowed no premarital sex--tsk, tsk. So those purity rings the Jonas Brothers wore were for show in his case. The funniest part of the story is the procuring of the prophylactic. 

Phallus envy and boy band breakup

(Warning TMI) Jonas lived up to the male stereotype on genitalia. When asked to discuss his penis (as you do), Joe couldn't speak definitively on his siblings Kevin's nor Nick's sizes.

But he was pretty sure he was still the bigger brother, literally. Whether that drove the Jonas Brothers breakup is unlikely. Another suggestion was that Joe left the group due to drug addiction. He admitted to disagreements in the family and a stint in a mental health facility. But he assured fans that, despite being a cooler story, substance abuse wasn't an issue. He summarized the split as essentially just part of the growing process. 

And now the big question

So on Reddit AMA folks can ask anything and logically they try to think of the most awkward questions possible. His new "Body Moves" music video features Joe Jonas and Charlotte McKinney in an elevator. And fans wanted to know, well, what came up.

The sophomoric question prompted a juvenile response that yes, things popped up but not to the extent expected. So McKinney doesn't raise much but his man crush does--namely Daniel Craig (he's sweet on Matthew McConaughey too). But he would first buy dinner for bromance Bill Murray.