Sean Hannity won't be doing any more Donald Trump campaign ads in the near future. Fox News has made it very clear that Hannity won't appear in any political ad for the duration of the 2016 presidential campaign! Hannity apparently went rogue and agreed to appear in a Trump-for-president promo without letting his employers at Fox News in on this gig.
That's not happening again!
The Trump promo, which aired over the weekend, went on for 8-minutes and featured 30-seconds of Hannity among other notable names, such as Ted Nugent. In contrast to the open fields with birds flying freely across parts of the nation in Trump's commercial, there was a gun featured on top of the constitution.
It appears they covered everything including sending a message to protect the rights of Americans to carry arms.
Hannity goes rogue?
It sounds as if Fox News was not thrilled with Hannity venturing into politics by way of a campaign ad, which was evident with their adamant claim that it won't be happening again. It is not known if the Fox News anchor will face any type of punishment for going rogue, but if so, he'll have to get in line!
Fox News put out a statement to convey that they had no prior knowledge of Hannity's plans to appear in that ad campaign for Trump, according to "Uproxx News." One might say that Fox might want to get a better handle on what their employees are doing both in and out of the workplace after women started to make complaints of sexual harassment, which became pretty wide-spread.
Fox imploding?
While Roger Ailes left his CEO job due to his part in the harassment suits, other names were listed like Bill O'Reilly and Former Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown as predators. It sounds like everyone at Fox is doing what they please! Both O'Reilly and Brown have job security it appears as they are still among the Fox News personalities today.
Fox is going through a transformation of sorts as it imploded recently with scores of sexual harassment accusations, lawsuits and settlements. Hannity has been a cheering section all on his own for Trump and he's also done some media consulting for his campaign despite the outcries that journalists are not supposed to show any bias when it comes to politics.
When that was mentioned to Hannity, he simply stated that he never said he was a journalist. There you go, it's as simple as that!
Andrea Tantaros ousted, but Hannity stays on board?
Fox News claims they ousted Andrea Tantaros because she didn't go through the proper channels when publishing her book "Tied Up in Knots." While they are suspected on having an underlying reason for canning the political analyst, they are sticking with the book excuse. So if this is the case will Hannity suffer the same fate as Tantaros?
Hannity and Tantaros did something along the same lines, if you want to believe Fox's excuse for canning Tantaros. Andrea was handed that excuse, but she claims they pushed her out of Fox because she complained about being sexually harassed by Ailes, O'Reilly and Brown.
If Hannity goes on his merry way with a slap on the hand, Tantaros will have much more evidence that her book was not a firing offense and it was her complaints that got her ousted from Fox! This gives Tantaros more evidence to bring to the settlement table!