Beyond death, the most widespread theory of a further existence must be Reincarnation. Triadic Philosophy has no specific theory of life past death. Its position is that such theories fall into the huge category of supposition. If we have proof of something, such as the reality of birth, we file is as fact and go from there. But things that we merely suppose are real but as yet undiscovered.

Essentially, we may believe in reincarnation but we have no proof that it is the fate of all or a selection from all to come back in another existence.

Without attempting to grasp all the nuances of reincarnation, one can suppose that it fulfills a longing to have something to look forward to.

It says essentially that the number of people who occupy the planet is not a collection of individual personalities who live and then are gone from earth forever. It supposes we come back. It is a cyclical notion. It fulfills the dream that one might improve on one's life or alter it in another iteration.


YouTube is probably the easiest way to get a sense of the arguments for reincarnation.

One could infer if these are true that if there is no reincarnation there is an almost predictable level of coincidences that would occur should we be able to access anyone at all who had ever lived.

It goes without saying that scholarly research has been lavished on reincarnation. It would not be the first subject which is hypothetical or based on supposition to become academic fodder. It was Einstein, after all, who was reputed to have floated about looking skyward for inspired ideas. Triadic Philosophy is based on the conviction that we are at the very beginning of extending matters relating to the individual and consciousness to center stage, issuing in a huge leap in the direction of universal thinking, expression, and action.

Logical limits

The irony is that as the future unfolds we will move to a more triadic understanding.

More and more phenomena will be seen as part of the reality we all inhabit. If we are more and more able to find out about the past and the present, we may increase our sense of what is coincidence and what is quite normal. I think any notion of things beyond death is part of a mystery we will gradually unravel.

Most notions of life past death defy logic at the level of doability. Insofar as logic also deals with good outcomes one could say that some sort of continuation is good. Perhaps enough has been said to indicate that we can have considerable faith in the future of consciousness and less, perhaps, in any particular notion of what actually happens past our death.