The Title is an identity of a work. It is the first impression that creates anticipation and curiosity among the readers. A title decides whether someone reads the Article or not. Titles work as a bait to catch the attention of the readers. A title can be considered as a material of promotion for the article. If you want your reader to be more engaged with your writing, try focusing on the points that are given below. It will definitely help you create killer eye-catching titles for your articles.

Begin with a number or a question

Asking a question at the very beginning always increases the curiosity of people.

After seeing a question, the reader won’t be able to resist it. They will surely take few minutes to find out the answer. For making your article the most eye-catching one, this should work. Starting with a number always gives the reader a clear idea of how long it will take to read that article. If the reader is in a hurry, let him/her know that you will not kill much of their time. As an example, 10 reasons you will not miss ‘Stranger Things’.

Make it attractive

You need to find the right word for making your title more attractive. Mostly use negative words. Try to use ‘bold’ words. Most of the people are more interested in knowing the negative side than the positives. Using the ‘negative’ and ‘bold’ words for your title will definitely make it more attractive.

As an example, 5 questions celebrities ‘hate’ to answer.

Beginning can be threatening

Threatening in your title may be a risk, but it does work on your audience. As an example, ‘foods that cause destruction to your stomach’. People are always aware of threats. Especially when it comes to their health or social life. So threatening titles may not be a bad idea.

Attach a famous brand name

Now, it can be a celebrity name or a famous movie name or a name of your favorite football team. I should be a famous name that the reader will not be able to resist. As an example, 10 exciting facts about ‘Jurassic World,’ or find out what Brad Pitt has to say about being a single parent.

Keep it short

The length of your title always depends on where your title will appear. A title should have a reasonable size. Try to keep it short so that it can appear easily on the search engine. If the article is going to be published in a newspaper, it can have a longer length. But it is always wise to keep it shorter. While scrolling down on the internet, most of the readers get attracted to the shorter title rather than the longer.

The title works as a mini advertisement for your work. Take few more minutes to write a title and make it perfect. You may write amazing articles, but it will be incomplete without the perfect title. The titles always maximize the chances that people will engage more with your article. So, use more thoughts and skills when writing the title to make sure your article gets readers.