Erotic Literature is a serious genre for many people, including the authors that spend many months and possibly even years creating the perfect novel. But for some people, erotic literature is a way to explore sexuality and possibly even get introduced to different concepts. A younger audience may find erotica funny at first but some people actually learn about different body parts and possibly even about the act of lovemaking by reading these erotic stories.
While some people are going to the Internet for a quick answer, others appreciate the written word and don't mind reading through erotic literature as a way of learning.
Because of the natural curiosity of erotic literature, authors face a bit of a burden. It is no secret that authors have a massive responsibility when it comes to creating truthful and safe content. The reality is that sex is such a common occurrence that people will always read about it to learn more. This could include things such as different positions, or even things like birth control and same-sex encounters.
Teaching you a thing or two
Modern erotic writers may write stories to a younger audience, and stories that appeal to a younger readership. Mostly, these will be individuals who are legal when it comes to sex but authors are able to educate these readers about things that may not be taught in schools or necessarily through the healthcare system.
These authors have a moral responsibility to teach Safe Sex if they are appealing to a younger audience. Modern-day authors can talk about things such as proper condom use, the use of Birth Control pills, and even educate young girls about what an IUD is. While this is not a requirement, authors should know who is reading their content and should think about what audience they are appealing to with their stories.
Authors do have the power
When I say that there is a responsibility for authors to preach about safe sex, it isn't a legal responsibility. It's a moral one. Authors do have the right to write their sex scenes as they please and talk about lovemaking in a way that doesn't focus on the practicalities, such as safe sex. But, a younger audience that may not have had sex ed in school may not think about having safe sex, disease prevention, or even protecting themselves against pregnancies. This is where an author could truly impact life through literature, simply by talking about something that is already appearing in the book. It could be as simple as a man putting on a condom the right way before having sex and him double checking that the condom didn't break after the deed is done.
Do you think authors writing to a younger audience should preach about safe sex in a way that fits with their storylines?