Adding Steve Bannon to the Trump campaign in the middle of 2016, might have been the move that took the Trump brand into a more hostile direction. The real test of that hostility would be with the challenges the brand would face as a presidency. The New York Times reported back in March in an article titled: "Trump Becomes Ensnared in Fiery G.O.P. Civil War" that Bannon wanted to make a list of congressional leaders who defied the White House's efforts to kill Obamacare, otherwise known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Bannon incites hostility
The Daily Beast reports in an article titled: "White House ‘Enemies List’ Drove McMaster-Bannon Feud" that the "enemies list" is apparently at the center of the conflict between Bannnon and national security adviser H.R.
McMaster. Steve Bannon is known as a extreme right-wing figure who led Breitbart as the voice of the Alt-Right before joining the Trump campaign. As expected, Bannon fits the mold of a conspiracy theorist who spends most of his waking moments being paranoid about the "deep state". His influence on Trump has been satirized on Saturday Night Live where Bannon was portrayed as the true President of the United States.
During the early months of Trump's presidency, Bannon's agenda seemed to loom over the creation of executive orders, firings throughout government agencies and hostile attacks against members of Congress. Bannon's presence in the White House appeared to lessen over time with the firing of various aides that were part of Bannon's power structure.
The Daily Beast recently reported on the conflicts between McMaster and Bannon which are much more obvious with the presence of people like Gen. John Kelly who became the new White House Chief of Staff who promises to bring order back to the Oval Office.
Influences and other 'targets'
Bannon's brand of extremism has the support of propagandists like Sean Hannity of Fox News who has also had some influence on Trump's decision to fire "enemies".
This was opined when Hannity cued the Trump White House to purge the "deep state" of Liberals and insubordinates from the Justice Department. That seemed to have triggered the firing of "Obama holdovers" such as Preet Bharara.
Susan Rice who was a National Security Adviser from the Obama administration has also been targeted by Bannon, which appears to have influenced an investigation by Rep.
Devin Nunes (R-Cali.). Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) has admitted that the investigation is largely created by Nunes and has signaled that they would humor him and look into the claims that she "unmasked" Trump campaign aides. But with the purging of Bannon's supporters from within the White House power structure, it seems quite obvious that Bannon's influence is isolated.