The appointment of special prosecutor Robert Mueller by the Justice department is a watershed event in the political history of the Trump administration. The special prosecutor has assembled The Grand Jury with the intention of going into details of Trump Jr. meeting with the Russians in June 2016. This is the primary focus of the Grand jury but special prosecutor Mueller could uncover other facts as well. A look back into history will you show that such investigations invariably lead to other matters which are uncovered during the course of the investigation, which was pointed out by CNN.
Case of Bill Clinton
Something similar happened when the Grand jury was assembled and Kenneth Starr was the prosecutor in the days when Bill Clinton was the president of The United States. The investigation at that time uncovered the lurid details of Monica Lewinsky's love affair with the president and his exploits in the oval office of the White House The salacious details almost took the presidency away from Bill Clinton.
Financial irregularities
There is every chance of such a possibility happening again The brief of the special prosecutor is to uncover facts regarding the Russian connection with the primary focus being the meeting between Trump Junior and Russians in June 2016. There is, however, a possibility that the special prosecutor could uncover the money trail and financial irregularities that have a direct connection to Russia and other countries.
This is very much possible and if that happens, the scope of the investigation could lead to the president himself.
Reports are coming out of the underhand financial dealings of people close to Donald Trump with foreign governments from Turkey to Russia. Mr. Mueller is a conscientious and hard working individual and evidence of wrongdoing will be difficult for him to brush under the carpet.
Omens for Trump
The omens for Donald Trump don't look good especially when professor Lichtman has forecast that Donald Trump will be impeached on financial irregularities before he finishes his term. These are early days but there is no chance that the special prosecutor will ignore evidence of financial irregularities if they do come out during the course of the investigation into the Russian connection.
The fat will then be in the fire and Donald Trump may have to fight to save his presidency.
Last word
There are a lot of people who are antagonistic to Donald Trump and who have been happy that an "upstart" has become the president of the United States. The future holds dark possibilities and nothing can be ruled out.