When Rep. Dave Brat (R-VA) took over Eric Cantor's seat in the House, his campaign was representing the Tea Party movement of an extremist right-wing revolution against the status quo. The same year he entered the House, Rep Jim Jordan (R-OH) assembled the Freedom Caucus which Rep. Brat is a part of, which has an estimated 31 members and represents the most extreme conservatives in the House of Representatives.

Trump and Brat share the same views about Charlottesville

After the recent outbreak of violence between Nazi sympathizers and counter-protesters that left three people dead, Rep. Brat was asked to make statements about the violence. This was right before President Trump would inflame racial tension with his statement blaming both sides. Both Brat and Trump were similar in their sentiment that both sides -- and mostly the "left" -- was to blame for the violence. Both, in fact, continued to establish the false equivalency that the extremist right uses to make debate more divisive. This would be the most recent example of a Republican lawmaker helping to further President Trump's agenda and cultural views.

Democrats running to replace Brat

But now, six Democrats are challenging Brat for his seat -- one of them is Abigail Spanberger, a former CIA official who is sick of the division. She pointed to Brat's responses in his interviews with Fox News and CNN where he blamed both sides. Saying that nowhere in his statements did she see him express any sadness for the deaths of three people. Like most people, Spanberger has seen the squabbling among lawmakers in Congress which initially spurred her bid for Brat's seat. Replacing a significant voice for the Freedom Caucus would certainly "make a dent," especially if there are other challengers for a better chance of disrupting Trump's growing support in the House.

Protecting fascism, attacking the 'Left' and the media

Brat also referred to Antifa, a group that shows up at rallies to confront fascist hate groups which Brat said do not exist. He tried to make the point that in order for a fascist group to exist, it would have to have the backing of a state. Clearly, judging from the president's statements where he attacked the actions of counter-protesters -- the ones who were plowed into by a car driven by a self-proclaimed white nationalist -- that should already be considered an endorsement for the actions of the hate groups.

The Virginia Republican said during his CNN interview that Democrats are never questioned about groups such as Antifa when they commit a violent act.

And yet, Republicans have to answer for a "hit piece" that is sent out by Democratic-supported media. Just like Trump, Brat also has his "cross-hairs" on the media, attacking them and holding them responsible for inciting racist violence and reporting on President Trump's obsession with authoritarianism.