Early on Donald J Trump tweeted that this nation would come together, but he has only torn us apart. Instead of becoming great, the United States is filled with hate. Americans who believe time will make him more presidential are deluding themselves. Number 45 is who he is, and is not going not change.
Donald Trump is who he is
This nation is now nine months into the Trump administration, and the chaos continues. There has been nonstop drama, negativity, and hate from day one, yet some Americans continue to believe this man will suddenly become a respectable commander in chief.
We now have Neo Nazis, and White supremacists openly chanting that Jews will not take over. Donald Trump's son in law was born Jewish and his daughter converted to the religion, yet the POTUS defends David Duke and others who hate American Jews.
The man who was voted into the White House gave a press conference on Tuesday where he was yelling at reporters and defending racists. Trump's demeanor was so different from what he said on Monday that "CNN" commentators Don Lemon and Anderson Cooper seemed baffled. Both questioned their guests relentlessly on Tuesday night, seeking answers for Americans who also are as troubled about recent events.
The evidence suggests Donald Trump is a racist
Donald J Trump has a big mouth and harsh criticism for everybody, except David Duke, White Supremacists and Neo Nazis.
The speech he gave on Monday was one that was prepared for him, but what he said on yesterday was truly the real Donald Trump. Americans gave him the electoral vote in November and now the entire nation is reaping what has been sown.
New reports indicate that Fred Trump, the Donald's father was arrested in 1927 at a Klan rally.
Many Americans believe the apple has not fallen far from the tree. The evidence has been mounting over the years, that Mr. Trump was on the fringes, but now he is out in the open and not ashamed of it. The Neo Nazi, White supremacists and members of the KKK now feel empowered.
This means that Americans of color, the LBGTQ community, Muslims and Jews are in danger.
Three lives were lost on Saturday and now the man elected to serve us all has opened a door for more hate, violence and possibly death in this nation. The U.S. citizens who voted for Donald J Trump ignored the warning signs that he was a dangerous man. Now the innocent will be paying the price as the hates begin coming out of the woodwork. Instead of being united, we are being divided as never before.