It’s Scorpio Saturday! Your birth between October 23rd and November 21st makes you intense with no middle ground--you’re either a saint or a sinner! Today’s daily Lovescope for Scorpio, speaks about being objective and understanding other people’s points of view.
What to expect:
Singles: You are the magnet in the center of a bucket of paperclips. People are clutching onto you from every side and you are absolutely enjoying the attention. It's amazing to be this needed and adored. It’s true that you haven’t found the One who "lights your fire" but soon, you will.
An adventure stimulates the brain, lifts your spirits and best of all, gives you many new opportunities for love. So give something new and daring a try. Maybe not skydiving or bungee-jumping but something similar.
If you belong to the second decade and with relationship harmony not being like it used to be, don't worry as the situation will change when you least expect it. Hot encounters are on the cards if you are single.
Couples: It's no secret that lots of people are drawn to you when you step out--you’re Scorpio and you embody mystery and magnetism. You may not be miffed by all the attention and sweet looks you get from admirers but your honey pie notices and could be feeling a bit insecure.
Remind him/her they’ve got nothing to worry about because they’re the cherry on your ice cream sundae and for you, only that cherry will do!
If your sweetie's driving you a little nuts, he/she just needs some time to vent and get it all out--it’s not personal. Give yourself some space and let them burn off the extra energy.
The stars say the situation will change dramatically for the better -- and get hotter -- sometime later in the day.
How to get through your day:
For those looking for love: You may feel that your recent romantic prospects have grown colder, and you’re at your wits’ end. Take an honest stock of the situation and you will see which direction you need to follow.
Try to balance your crush’s wishes with your own desires. The problems are not as bad as you think they are but you need to be objective and understand where they’re coming from. Put in some time and effort and you’ll reap the rewards.
For those of you in a relationship: Make today one of mutual understanding. It can be hard to survive the changing pace of a relationship especially on days when you feel as if you’ve been run over a truck--twice! If you have quarreled or had a major fallout recently, then it is worth carrying on the conversation and making amends. Don't allow bitterness or cynicism to spoil what still could be really good.
That’s it for today’s daily Lovescope for Scorpio. Thanks for checking out your reading and don’t forget to come back tomorrow.