Hi, Leos! Sunday is here--the perfect day to refuel your soul! Your birthday between July 23rd and August 22nd make you quite the optimist. As far as you’re concerned, the glass is always half full! Today’s daily Lovescope for Leo tells you that a little common sense can save the day.
What to expect
Singles: What's on the surface isn't interesting to you right now. You're far more intrigued by what the everyday person does not see! You’re rather curious and chipping away at a person’s exterior to get to their heart gets your fires burning. Well, today you’ll employ your usual routine, but it could lead to some stagnation in the love department.
You'll be attracted by weird situations, maybe more so due to frivolity and joy than by dissatisfaction or real intensions. If you are of the second decade, you’ll realize you’re not the only one searching for love. Those with an ascendant in Sagittarius will have an excellent day as long as they don't make too serious plans with a very recent loved one. There’s a reason the past should stay where it is!
Couples: Something really exciting is happening today. It could be just a little thing, or it could be huge. Either way, it has a great impact on either you or your relationship. If you take some time to contemplate an issue that has recently arisen, some serious progress can be made. There’s the possibility of emotions getting in the way, but by tonight you’ll want both of you to be on the same page--the page of love to a new chapter of romance.
You’re feeling rather close to a Taurus and an Aries but, you need to choose. Taurus is tenacious and enterprising and has no intention of letting go! Aries are stubborn as well, but they mostly enjoy the chase up until they’ve caught you. Then, you have to impress them continuously. Which path is better for your long term happiness?
How to get through your day:
For those looking for love: Don't get too emotional about a situation today, Leo. You have a sinking feeling, but if you go that route, you may end up in a pit of emotional quicksand that's hard to escape. Make sure you have a confidante for whatever you might encounter on your emotional journey.
If you want to achieve the aims you have set, you’ll need to buckle down to your responsibility and embrace that sense of duty.
For those already coupled up: Today is a day of surprises for those in romantic relationships. You both will be trying to surprise the other and attempting to outdo each other in the love department. Be extra generous today with your displays of love and affection, and you will see the same come back to you in many heart-warming ways.
That’s a wrap for your daily Lovescope for Leo. Have a pleasant Sunday and if you’ve enjoyed this reading, be sure to share!