Greetings Scorpio and a happy and most enjoyable Saturday to you. Everyday you should wake up stronger than yesterday, wipe your tears and face your fears. Today Blasting News Astrologer Megan Wilson is excited to present to you, your daily horoscope for Scorpio. Let’s see what she has gleaned from the stars:
What to expect
Two heads are better than one, having a spare pair of stockings is better than one, and having two lovers is...let’s not get ahead of ourselves here Scorpio. You can barely manage with the one you’re already with. You know you landed yourself some great.
Someone who actually cares, looks amazing, treats you well and can cook! It’s a nice routine you’ve got going here. Lately however, you’ve been noticing other people and not like you were doing it on purpose or anything, started having feelings for them. Why can’t you ever be satisfied with what you have Scorpio? Is contentment a completely unfamiliar notion for you? The stars are not happy with where this is headed so you better make a decision quickly. If monogamy is not your style, cut things off with your partner and give him/her a chance at finding someone who actually wants to share their life with them. You, on the other hand, can go back to your flighty ways, until you realize that once again, you want something more than one night stands.
People who can’t stand to see the success of other people will never experience their own. You’ve really fought an uphill battle Scorpio, to achieve this goal. Everything that could have possibly gone wrong, happened, and yet when others thought that you were down for the count, you emerged like a Phoenix from the ashes. There’s this one person who acted like your number one cheerleader, telling you that nothing was impossible and you were sure to make it.
He/she urged you not to listen to the naysayers and now, when you’re finally where you’d like to be, this person is nowhere around. Actually, they are, but in the corner just glaring at you. Hmm...could it be that they were just pretending to believe in you and now that you’ve succeeded, they’re in shock too? Whatever their reason is, don’t pay any mind to them now.
You’re basking in the limelight, enjoying your moment and if they ever decide to come around, well, they know where to find you.
How to get through your day
You’re excited to take a risk and see where it could lead you Scorpio. Be it paragliding, trekking the Himalayas or applying for that executive position at work, you want to find out ‘what if’? The stars are giving you the all clear, adding that life changing experiences will change your outlook on life too. You can handle it. By tonight you’re tired and feeling unimaginative Scorpio. You just want others to take the lead. It’s a good thing your friends are excited about spending time with you because they’ve got lots of options. Be a back seat observer tonight and enjoy whatever adventures come your way.
It has been a pleasure sharing with you today’s daily horoscope for Scorpio by Blasting News Astrologer Megan Wilson. Feel free to share this reading with your friends and family and we certainly look forward to seeing you on Sunday.