Wednesday blessings straight to you Capricorn! Blasting News Astrologer Megan Wilson welcomes you with your daily horoscope for Capricorn and reminds you that there is something positive in every day, even if you have to look a little harder sometimes to find it. Let’s delve into your reading now and see what the stars have in store:
What to expect
You're currently involved in a heated internal battle concerning a touchy subject Capricorn, and if you keep bottling up your feelings, you’re going to explode! Part of you really and truly wants to keep quiet about it, but a much more insistent part of you is determined to let it all out.
Your feelings are written all over your face so just decide who you’re going to tell, what you’re going to say and let it out. The stars advise you to be patient especially with someone who is fond of you. Tonight, you'll feel serene again so open a bottle of bubbly and let a new love come into your life.
There’s nothing new about youths and wise elders clashing on matters of life. That story started since the beginning of time. Today, you may feel like someone in your family is running hot and cold and it could be chalked up to the same clash of wills. Whatever side of the argument you happen to fall on Capricorn, it's key to remember how things looked when you had a much different stance. Bear in mind that you’re much older and wiser now and you’re pretty sure how this story ends.
Nevertheless, give each party a hearing and any heartfelt advice that you can spare. It’s the most you can do.
Even though your mind is torn in many directions Capricorn, it is important for you to maintain inner peace so that you have the ability to undertake any kind of challenge.Today you will feel exceptionally busy and slightly overwhelmed but, it’s an inevitable period of change.
The bad news is that it may have you feeling a bit confused--the good news is that you will encounter a lot of new opportunities that will broaden your horizons. After work, your loved one's support and company would enable you to enjoy the rest of the day. Avoid wearing the color blue.
How to get through your day
You can barely find time for yourself today Capricorn, but you need to get through it all somehow.
Your actions may take a sudden turn so, beware. Soon, you'll see that this course of action is exactly the one you need to take even though at first, it may seem like an annoying bend in the road. Get your act together and do something before you're the one who gets acted upon.
Thank you so much for checking out today’s daily horoscope for Capricorn. Please share this reading with all of your friends and networks on social media (Facebook; Twitter etc.) and have a really remarkable Wednesday ahead.