Today’s topic for the daily Chinese Horoscope for Rabbit is all about optimism. As a Rabbit, you are an art lover and have great judgment skills. You’re reserved and punctilious, with the ability to blossom in fields of law and politics. Read on to see what the stars have in store for you today, according to Astrologer Megan Wilson.

What to expect

The stars show that today your Social Life will extraordinarily active, you should resist the urge to accept frivolous invites and parties but rather use today's social energy and spend it on some quiet time with a loved one.

Today's energies can also be redirected to a friend or family member who may be abroad and may need the influx of positive energy that you can send his way. You'll be surprised by the difference a thoughtful word or kind gesture can make towards helping someone through tough times.

How to get through your day

Today's energy is all about serenity and happiness, you should make a conscious effort to spread your positive vibe to the people around you. Happiness is contagious and everyone wants to be around someone who is as optimistic and as happy as you so harness this energy turn it into invaluable social connections that will pay dividends especially since you never know when you need someone to return this favor.

Minor frustrations may follow you today but the key word is minor don't let any frustration affect your positive outlook today.

Love and Relationships

Make the quality time to share with your lover and watch the sparks happen. You may have been repressing certain emotions and feelings but this never helps a relationship in the long run. During that quality time, allow yourself to open up to your significant other and you may find that contrary to the reaction you expected, your relationship grows instead.


You will spend time with someone you've never properly interacted with in the workplace and you may be surprised by how much that person can add to your life. Whether it's by simply being a cheerleader in your corner, it is always wise to appreciate the support that others lend to our careers.

Financially, you're going through a bit of a rough time so be wary of trivial spending and live within your means.

One piece of advice is to never be afraid or embarrassed about your success, especially if you've worked hard for it -- but rather embrace it and try to allow others to share in your good fortunes.

That’s it for today’s daily Chinese Horoscope for Rabbit. Hope you’ve enjoyed this reading and apply this valuable insight. Be sure to tune in tomorrow to see what the stars have in store for you. Have a lovely weekend!