Mimi Ikonn is the beautiful Azerbaijan immigrant-turned-millionaire, who not only runs many successful businesses but also has a well-loved YouTube channel. Well, at least sometimes. There are always viewers who have a bone to pick with her. Most people would say that Mimi’s personal life is none of their business. But, wait a minute – isn’t it?

If you share your personal life on the internet, you make it my business

Mimi shares her life in carefully-edited vlogs. She gets up close and personal with her “Q & A” videos, her “monthly favorite” videos, as well as in her “talking videos,” as she calls them. It doesn’t take long before you get to know Mimi and her infectious personality.

She doesn’t eat meat. She doesn’t own any leather products. She’s happily married. She’s (usually) gluten-free. Apart from all of these characteristics, you also get to know her beliefs and values. Why? Because she shares them. And no one can deny that it’s a vulnerable move.

When you have more than 700,000 followers, you’re bound to have different values. In short, you’re bound to tick certain people off.

And people should be allowed to disagree. But there seems to be an off-balanced censorship of disagreement and disapproval from followers. It seems like you can disagree as a follower, but you can’t voice any disagreement unless it’s so carefully worded that you’re basically kissing up to them. Instead, you’re expected to just unfollow or shut up.

Why can't people voice their negative feedback?

Negative feedback doesn’t only include trolling and personal attacks. It doesn’t always describe the “haters”. Negative feedback is actually just negative feedback. It’s input that isn’t overflowing with praise, adulation, and admiration.

Sometimes people object to what they see and hear, and if you, as a YouTuber share your personal life with your “friends”, why can’t they be allowed to call you out, question or even disapprove? Isn’t that what real friends do?

Social media relationships are not real friendships

Mimi Ikonn opens every video or vlog with a warm smile and friendly invitation, “Hello my beautiful friends!” But friendships can’t be so one-sided. If you choose to share your strong, and sometimes provocative opinions (“wanting to put all psychiatrists out of business”) be prepared for feedback. Yes, even negative feedback.

A 'positive' channel should make room for criticism

Mimi has an admirable approach to life and social media.

She strives to share only the positive, but if your followers notice inconsistent or less-than-ideal behavior, and they say as much, they shouldn’t be written off as “negative” people. Because then, you get to cut them out of your life and categorize them as people you shouldn’t pay attention to. You can be a positive person and also accept the fact that the truth is always positive, even if it sounds negative.