Say goodbye to nasty pockmarks and hello to clear skin. Thanks to Microneedling, having scar-free skin is no longer just a dream but reality, according to The Readers Digest. Other sources such as YouTube carry many recommendations for the procedure. These days, there are even home treatment items available, but it is best to have it done by trained professionals. According to TruthInAging, the South China Post cited Hong Kong's Consumer Council Publicity and community relations officer Philip Leung Kwong-hon as warning that sterile conditions are essential.

What is Microneedling?

Microneedling might sound like an intimidating procedure, especially as it has the word "needle" in its name.. This process involves using a tool called a dermapen or rejuvapen. The treatment is considered highly cost-effective at making one's skin radiant and younger looking, not to mention rid of the self-confidence killer pockmarks.

Is it safe?

The thought of getting needles inserted in your skin may be an unnerving notion but worry not, because skin care professionals confirm this is a safe procedure as long as it is done in a clean and sterile manner. So, instead of having a traditional facial and looking good for just a few days, those who are particular about skin care could try this treatment out.

Areas that can be treated by microneedling

Microneedling is not exclusive for facial skin. This treatment can be done anywhere the skin on the body needs to be treated.

How often should I microneedle?

The number of sessions varies depending on the severity of the issue. Every three to six month is okay if your skin is generally fine.

Once a month is recommended for those with dramatic acne scarring.

How long is the downtime?

The severity of reddening and swelling of the skin being treated depends on how aggressively the session is performed and of course, it depends on your skin type. The redness is usually visible for 24 to 48 hours from treatment and usually subsides on the third day.

Post-session topical treatments are prescribed to help soothe and calm the skin and active skin care regimen can be resumed after the 5th day of treatment.

Is this suitable for teens?

Having post acne scars is quite common among teenagers. More often than not, teens suffer from low self-esteem because post acne scars are a cosmetic problem. And yes, microneedling is an acceptable procedure for teens in managing acne and acne scars. Aside from its affordability, it also offers permanent results.

Would you recommend microneedling?

There is no question that I am a skin care devotee, but due to the hormonal imbalance I suffered during my teenage years, I had my fair share of having to deal with acne scars for years.

Laser and other dermatologic procedures are costly so I suffered from pockmarks through during my adolescent years. Though I have been acne-free since right out of college, I never thought seeing my face free of scars would ever be possible. I know there is no legitimate science behind it but I would say this procedure is heaven sent. The self-confidence that comes with the glowing skin that I have since gained back is something that makes me say - 'yes, this treatment is definitely a worthy investment.'

Disclaimer - Please note that any treatment involving piercing of the skin could lead to complications, so readers are advised to always seek medical advice before undertaking invasive treatment.