Look for alternative ways to get things done, as the old ways do not seem to be working anymore. Technology has taken over and you need to be on top of your game in that area.


It is time for you to acquire a new skill or update your qualifications so you can become one with these new systems. It is time to embrace your future with pride -- you just need a bit of a push to get you going and you will be on your way. Dress for success today as you will be called upon to meet some very important people who will be impressed with the way you undertake your work.

They will ask you to set up a similar system in their places of business, and of course, you will say yes.

If you are looking for a new place to call home, look no more -- an advertisement in your local newspaper will provide you with the perfect match for you, make an offer and it will be accepted. It will have all the necessary rooms and areas that you have always wanted. If you already have you own home, it would serve you well to do a bit of home improvement at this time. If you wait until it is too late it will be very costly and I am sure you do not want that to happen. For those in love, it is time to pop the question and start preparing for the big day, make it into the special event that you and your bride want -- don't worry about what anyone else thinks.


Those in high-profile professions will seek an increase in pay -- you have put in the hours and get the contracts, and it is now time to celebrate your winnings. A fifty percent increase will do just fine, as well as a well-deserved vacation abroad with your family. It is time to invest in a lot of stocks and bonds as the market is very favorable at this time.

If you have done so before, you are in for a large return on your investment. Stop and consider what you will do with all this Money -- you may need to hire a financial investor to give you some assistance.

It would be nice to buy a car for your spouse at this time, as she has landed a great job out of state and will need to commute more often -- she will be very happy with the nice gesture, it will also show that you are in favor of her new move and that you support her all the way.

You should also start thinking of college funds for your children and putting away something for them at this time. If you are courting it would be a great time to give your partner a special gift, maybe a necklace or a watch. It should say: "I love being in your company and I want to say thank you." I am sure it will be appreciated.